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Advocacy for Your ProfessionPresentation from the American Red Cross on Advocating for CHWs. Advocacy is a team sport, but many sports have members that play different positions. You …, , pdfpresentationsabout-chws advocacy legislationamerican-cancer-societypdf
Basics of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder with the PROOF AllianceThe Minnesota Community Health Worker Alliance and the Proof Alliance webinar on the basics of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) from the September Community Health …wwwwebinarsfetal-alcohol-spectrum-disordermnchwawww
Breastfeeding Basics: Webinar 1 (Audio)Learn the lifelong health benefits, how to help Moms overcome difficulties getting started and gain cultural perspectives on the importance of breastfeeding.mp3webinarsbreastfeedingmnchwamp3
Breastfeeding Basics: Webinar 1 (Slides)Learn the lifelong health benefits, how to help Moms overcome difficulties getting started and gain cultural perspectives on the importance of breastfeeding.pdfpresentationsbreastfeedingmnchwapdf
Breastfeeding Basics: Webinar 2 (Slides)The role of breastfeeding in families and culture, breastfeeding and mental health and during emergencies, the role of the CHW in empowering women to breastfeed.pdfpresentationsbreastfeedingmnchwapdf
Breastfeeding Basics: Webinar 3 (Slides)What does it take to breastfeed while returing to work or school? How do CHWs empower women to advocate for themselves to continue breastfeeding? Pumping …pdfpresentationsbreastfeedingmnchwapdf
CHW Oral Health Road MapThis report is a road map to better access and outcomes in oral health. It synthesizes findings from a nine-month project conducted by the Minnesota …, , pdfmanuals-toolkits reportsabout-chws oral-healthmnchwapdf
CHW Roles in Core Local Public Health ServicesIn 2014 the CDC and the State of Minnesota made a significant investment in Community Health Worker (CHW) strategies in local public health to reduce …, pdfmanuals-toolkits reportsemployer-resourcesmnchwapdf
CHW Standing Orders Fact SheetStanding orders are a vehicle to empower trained and supervised Community Health Workers (CHWs) to provide specific services to specific patient populations within organizational guidelines …, pdffact-sheets reportsabout-chwsmnchwapdf
CHW Value PropositionCommunity Health Workers (CHWs) are trusted, knowledgeable frontline health personnel who typically come from the communities they serve. As a result of their deep knowledge …, pdffact-sheets reportsabout-chwsmnchwapdf
Community Health Worker (CHW) Toolkit: A Guide for EmployersThis Toolkit focuses on Community Health Workers (CHWs). Its purpose is to provide employers and prospective employers with practical guidance for organizational and practice integration …, pdfmanuals-toolkitsabout-chws employer-resourcesminnesota-department-of-healthpdf
Community Health Worker Toolkit: Capacity Building in Local Health DepartmentsCommunity health workers (CHWs) have a unique role to play in public health departments as frontline ambassadors and connections to communities that they serve. We …, pdfmanuals-toolkitslocal-health-departments national-chw-resourcesnational-association-of-county-city-health-officials university-of-minnesota-school-of-public-healthpdf
Community Health Worker Training Program: Apprenticeship Information for Community Health Workers (CHWs)You are eligible to be an apprentice at a registered apprenticeship site if you are a CHW Certificate holder, or if you are an active …, fact-sheetsapprenticeship chw-training-program
Community Health Worker Training Program: Apprenticeship Information for EmployersApprenticeship provides structured on-the-job training for CHWs. It is a path to promote successful onboarding and training. Employers can develop a training plan to include …fact-sheetsemployer-resources
Experiences of Community Health Worker Employers in MinnesotaA review of CHW utilization, lessons learned, and future outlook from select organizations employing CHWs in Minnesota., pdfreportsabout-chws employer-resourceswilder-researchpdf
Healthy Homes Provider Workshop and Roundtable ProceedingsIn February 2018 the Minnesota Community Health Worker Alliance offered an informational workshop and roundtable to increase the knowledge of healthy housing providers about CHW …pdfreportshousingmnchwapdf
Minnesota Department of Human Services CHW Provider ManualMinnesota Health Care Programs manual for providers, created and maintained by the Minnesota Department of Human Services., wwwmanuals-toolkitsabout-chws employer-resourcesminnesota-department-of-human-serviceswww
Multi-Cultural Perspectives in Cancer Outreach: American Indian PerspectivesThis webinar was presented by the Minnesota Community Health Worker Alliance. In this webinar, Joy Rivera of the American Indian Cancer Foundation brings attention to …, wwwwebinarscancer outreachmnchwawww
NACHW Document Resource CenterThe nation’s largest searchable collection of documents on policies around CHWs.wwwwebsitenational-chw-resourcesnational-association-of-community-health-workerswww
Overlapping Behavioral Characteristics & Related Mental Health Diagnoses in ChildrenOne page summary document, reviewed for accuracy by several Minnesota experts in Children’s Mental Health and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.pdffact-sheetsfetal-alcohol-spectrum-disorderminnesota-organization-on-fetal-alcohol-syndromepdf
Penn Center/IMPaCT Care Inc. ResourcesPublished research from IMPaCT Care Inc. As a CHW national center of excellence, we pioneered the concept of evidenced-based programs through leading-edge research, and are always …wwwwebsitenational-chw-resourcesimpact-care-incwww
PowerPoint: Basics of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder with the PROOF AlliancePPT Presentation: The Minnesota Community Health Worker Alliance and the Proof Alliance webinar on the basics of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) from the September …pdfpresentationsfetal-alcohol-spectrum-disordermnchwapdf
Rural Assistance Center CHW ToolkitThis toolkit compiles promising practices and resources to support rural communities seeking to develop CHW programs. CHWs are public health or social service workers who …wwwmanuals-toolkitsabout-chwsrural-health-information-hubwww
Social return on investment: Community Health Workers in cancer outreachA toolkit developed for the American Cancer Society – Midwest division by Wilder Research. The main goal of this economic analysis is to place the …, , , pdfmanuals-toolkits reportsabout-chws cancer employer-resourceswilder-researchpdf
The State of the Community Health Worker Field in MinnesotaThe State of the Community Health Worker Field in Minnesota report provides a descriptive overview of the field within the broader context of national trends …, pdfreportsabout-chws employer-resourcesmnchwapdf
The Therapeutic Role of CHWs and Community in Healing TraumaCHWs can play a big role in addressing trauma in their clients and communities. This webinar covers trauma responses, strategies and best practices for CHWs …wwwwebinarstraumamnchwawww
This is What Trauma Looks Like: The Scientific and Biological Nature of TraumaTrauma overwhelms a person and impacts function and learning. It is connected to all the chronic illnesses CHWs see their clients. This webinar addresses trauma …wwwwebinarstraumamnchwawww
Why Should I Care About High Blood Pressure?This presentation provides information about high blood pressure – what it is, why you should care, risk factors, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, prevention, and how …, pdfpresentationsblood-pressure outreachcommunity-wellness-partnerspdf