Stronger connections between CHWs, healthcare and public health systems, payers, policy-makers, community-based organizations, employers, and other allies are needed to sustain innovation and maximize potential to help address Minnesota’s persistent health inequities.
Minnesota is a recognized leader in CHW field-building with a scope of practice, model competency-based curriculum leading to a certificate, and Minnesota Health Care Program payment for specific CHW services. However, CHWs are still new to many Minnesota health and human services agencies, and the field faces challenges related to awareness, recognition, and integration into team-based models.

By having a registry of CHWs in Minnesota, the Alliance is able to be a better partner to CHWs; employers; researchers; state and local governments, policymakers, and payers; community-based organizations; and communities impacted by health inequities. The registry not only cultivates an opportunity for CHWs to increase communication but also can be a resource for stakeholders to have a better view of what the workforce looks like in Minnesota. The ultimate aim of improving the workforce in this way is to continue to better serve the different communities that are systematically affected by health and social inequities.
A statewide CHW registry, created and operated by the Alliance as a voluntary listing of Minnesota CHWs, provides a strong foundation for strengthening the CHW field, helping to support community building among CHWs and agencies across sectors and geographic locations.
Guiding Principles for the CHW Registry
MNCHWA Registry Committee
- The Registry Committee works from the CHW philosophy of “nothing about us without us.”
- The registry is designed and maintained with an eye to equity. This is reflected in the small annual fee for CHWs, scholarships, and attention to CHW access to communications.
- The registry is designed and maintained with the goal of strengthening CHWs’ career development and advancing the CHW field to achieve equitable and optimal health outcomes for all communities.
- The committee is composed of a broad and inclusive range of CHWs and stakeholders (CHW Supervisors, MNCHWA Board members, CHW educators, etc.). This ensures varied perspectives are represented in the creation and maintenance of the registry.
- All stakeholders’ input is fully considered when creating and maintaining the registry, with a prioritization of CHWs’ perspectives and privacy.
- The committee is dedicated to improving and growing the registry with an eye to sustainability.
- The registry reflects consensus and guidance from the field including information presented at the MNCHWA conferences and national experts.
- The committee reviews guiding principles annually.