Bridge the Gap Between Communities and the Health and Social Service Systems
- Enhance care quality by aiding communication between provider and patient to clarify cultural practices
- Educate community members about how to use the health care and social service systems
- Educate the health and social service systems about community needs and perspectives
- Establish better communication processes.
Navigate the Health and Human Services System
- Increase access to primary care through culturally competent outreach and enrollment strategies
- Make referrals and coordinate services
- Teach people the knowledge and skills needed to obtain care
- Facilitate continuity of care by providing follow-up
- Enroll clients into programs such as health insurance and public assistance
- Link clients to and inform them of available community resources
Advocate for Individual and Community Needs
- Articulate and advocate needs of community and individuals to others
- Be a spokesperson for clients when they are unable to speak for themselves
- Involve participants in self and community advocacy
- Map communities to help locate and support needed services
Provide Direct Services
- Promote wellness by providing culturally appropriate health information to clients and providers
- Educate clients on disease prevention
- Assist clients in self-management of chronic illnesses and medication adherence
- Provide individual social and health care support
- Organize and/or facilitate support groups
- Refer and link to preventive services through health screenings and healthcare information
- Conduct health related screenings
Build Individual and Community Capacity
- Build individual capacity to achieve wellness
- Build community capacity by addressing social determinants of health
- Identify individual and community needs
- Mentor other CHWs – capacity building
- Seek professional development (continuing education)